[944] Midterm grades

Gautam Iyer gi1242+944 at cmu.edu
Sat Nov 20 12:48:29 EST 2021

Hi All,

Your midterm is now graded, and your scores should be accessible to on
the class website. The grade cutoffs are APPROXIMATELY:

    20: Approximately bottom end of A-
    15: Approximately bottom end of B-
    10: Approximately bottom end of C-
    5:  Approximately bottom end of D

Please note that the quartiles, and your percentile rank are for your
information only; I do not use them to assign letter grades.

There were 12 students who got a perfect score, which is excellent.


Pittsburgh students, please ask Sara/Mike. NY students, please ask
Diffy. Remote students: We will email you next week.

Important: You may view exams in the respective office (or scan them on
your phone). However, following MSCF policy, if you take them out of the
office you may not request regrading of any problems.


If you believe a particular question has been graded incorrectly, then
you must do so in writing by email, or by leaving a post-it note on the
front of the exam indicating which question you want re-graded. Please
do NOT include any explanation or message. Your grade will be solely
based on our interpretation of what is written on the exam, and not on
any explanation you provide outside the exam.

We will cover up the original grade, and independently regrade the
requested question. The new grade will replace your old grade, EVEN IF
IT IS LOWER. I strongly recommend you read and understand the solutions
posted online before requesting a regrade, because your grade could
become lower.



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