[944] Midterm logistics

Gautam Iyer gi1242+944 at cmu.edu
Wed Feb 5 20:56:58 EST 2020

Hi All,

MSCF policies require me to enforce either alternate seating, or random
seating during exams. Since we don't have the room for alternate
seating, I will do random seating as follows:

    1. I will place numbers on all the seats. 

    2. When you come into the room, please get a random number card from

    3. Find the seat that matches it and sit there. Keep the number
       cards visible so I can collect them and re-use them next year 😉

In New York, follow whatever system Diffy tells you to.

Good luck and see you tomorrow.



<LIFE><!----Insert boring stuff here----></LIFE>
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