[944] LaTeX for Gmail

David Itkin ditkin at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Nov 2 10:12:36 EDT 2017

Hi Everyone,

There is a Chrome extension for Gmail called "TeX for Gmail & Inbox" (I'm
not sure about other browsers, there may be something similar). It's really
easy to use -- once you add it to Chrome a button will appear in you gmail
that will let you render TeX code in your emails. Simply write the code in
between dollar signs ($ < code goes here> $) and hit the button, or f8 on
your keyboard as a shortcut, and it will covert the code to math.

If you are familiar with TeX and can get this working it would be helpful
as it will make questions a bit easier for everyone to read. If you are not
able to get it working or don't know hot to use TeX, don't worry about it.


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