[944] Scanned notes from the NY problem sessions

Gautam Iyer gi1242+944 at cmu.edu
Sat Feb 4 11:22:22 EST 2017

Hi All,

As you know Praveen is conducting problem sessions in NY for the NY
students. Unfortunately I have been told that due to scheduling
conflicts these sessions can not be recorded, and so are not available
to anyone except those physically present in the room.

However, after the problem sessions, Praveen scans his notes in. I will
post them on the website along with the lecture and recitation notes. So
if you're looking for more examples, these are a good place.



PS: I noticed many of you are posting to the discussion lists with your
    tepper address and getting it rejected. Unfortunately I was only
    able to obtain a list of your Andrew adresses from the registrar, so
    could only subscribe these addresses to the list. To avoid spam, the
    list will only accept messages from members. Thus if you want to
    send a message, you must either subscribe with your tepper address,
    or send the email with your andrew address.

Customer: I'm running Windows '98
Tech: Yes.
Customer: My computer isn't working now.
Tech: Yes, you said that.

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