Upgrade to 3.2.2 and sieve

Stephan steffo76 at gmx.de
Fri Jun 26 09:01:12 EDT 2020

Am 26.06.20 um 14:18 schrieb Jean Charles Delépine:
> Stephan <steffo76 at gmx.de> écrivait (wrote) :
>> sieve_rebuild: [path to script] parse failed: script errors:#015#012line
>> 5: header 'resent-from': not a valid header for an address test
> I had the same error with a 2.5 to 3.0 migration.
> Corrected with 'rfc3028_strict: 0' :
> rfc3028_strict: 1
>    If enabled, Sieve will be strict (per RFC 3028) with regards to which
>    headers are allowed to be used in address and envelope tests.  This means that
>    only those headers which are defined to contain addresses will be allowed in
>    address tests and  only  "to"  and "from" will be allowed in envelope tests.
>    When disabled, ANY grammatically correct header will be allowed.

Thank you ! rfc3028_strict was enabled here in 3.0.13 and the scripts
were accepted so I guess it must be one of the sieve bug fixes and
features mentioned in the 3.2 release notes.

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