Re: Cyrus Murder Environment Upgrade

Miguel Mucio Santos Moreira miguel at
Tue Jun 9 08:56:11 EDT 2020

Dear Wolfgang,

Firstly thanks for your answer, secondly I have one more doubt, during this time where the new Mupdate Master is receiving mailboxes information from backend servers, is necessary stopping comunications between frontend servers and mupdate master or none action is necessary besides that one you've mentioned before?
We're concerned if frontend servers will connect to Mupdate Master and receive from it an information which there's no mailboxes anymore until the backend push entirely mailboxes information and this situation to cause any trouble.

One more time, thanks



Miguel Moreira
DTE/SRE/GRE - Gerência de Redes
PRODEMGE - Companhia de Tecnologia da Informação do Estado de Minas Gerais

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> Now we're in doubt about how is the best solution to replace the mupdate
> master server for a new one.
> Nowadays we have around 16K mailboxes.

IIRC we simply replaced the mupdate server and did a "ctl_mboxlist -m" on
all backends to fill it. Shouldn't take that long since we did it with 130k
on 8 backends in under 20 minutes (or even shorter).

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha <wbreyha at> |
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria
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