Possible issue when upgrading to cyrus 3.0.8 using replication ?

Scott Lambert lambert at lambertfam.org
Sun Sep 15 15:04:31 EDT 2019

If you can create the mailboxes on the new server, without replication, 
perhaps it would be safer/less downtime to use IMAPsync to move the data 
to the new server.  It will be slow, but I don't mind slow while the 
source server is still online and users are happy.

On 9/14/19 5:12 PM, Adrien Remillieux wrote:
> Thank you for your answer !
> Considering what you said I'll try to enable replication on the new 
> server. If it doesn't work I'll just schedule some downtime, copy the 
> /var/spool/cyrus folder to the new server, install cyrus 3.0.11 from 
> the backports and then upgrade the mailboxes in place.
> We've been using cyrus since 2004 so there's definitely a lot of old 
> mailboxes around and I don't which versions of cyrus were used.
> Cheers,
> Adrien
> Le dim. 15 sept. 2019 à 00:35, Adrien Remillieux 
> <adrien.remillieux at gmail.com <mailto:adrien.remillieux at gmail.com>> a 
> écrit :
>     Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2019 10:20:17 +1000
>     From: "ellie timoney" <ellie at fastmail.com <mailto:ellie at fastmail.com>>
>     To: info-cyrus at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
>     <mailto:info-cyrus at lists.andrew.cmu.edu>
>     Subject: Re: Possible issue when upgrading to cyrus 3.0.8 using
>             replication ?
>     Message-ID: <343a16a2-f5a2-4130-aae0-6a4994ab9556 at www.fastmail.com
>     <mailto:343a16a2-f5a2-4130-aae0-6a4994ab9556 at www.fastmail.com>>
>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>     Hi Adrien,
>     The replication upgrade path should be okay. In-place upgrades
>     (that would use the affected reconstruct to bring mailboxes up to
>     the same version as the server) would get bitten. Whereas if you
>     replicate to a newer version server, the mailboxes on the replica
>     will be created at the replica's preferred version already, so you
>     don't need to reconstruct afterwards.
>     If you have messages that would theoretically be affected by this
>     bug in 3.0, you won't be able to replicate them to 3.0 in the
>     first place, because I think replication won't allow the 0 modseq.
>     If this arises, I'm not sure how to recover from it and replicate
>     the affected messages, since 2.4 and 2.5 won't alter the 0 modseq.
>     If it can't replicate them, it will complain about it, so if you
>     plan for the replication needing some handholding/restarting,
>     you'll at least be able to identify which messages are broken in
>     the process, and then figure out how to handle it once you know
>     the size of the problem?
>     Another option, if you want to stick with the Debian packages,
>     would be to skip 3.0.8 and install 3.0.11 from buster-backports
>     (https://packages.debian.org/buster-backports/cyrus-imapd), and
>     then you'll be immune to the problem. Though you still won't be
>     able to replicate the affected messages to the new server, hmm.
>     Cheers,
>     ellie
>     On Thu, Sep 12, 2019, at 6:50 AM, Adrien Remillieux wrote:
>     > Hello,
>     >
>     > I have a server that I can't update running cyrus 2.5.10 which
>     contain mailboxes that have existed from 2.3 and earlier (around
>     300Gb total). My plan is to update by enabling replication with a
>     new server running Debian Buster (so cyrus 3.0.8) and then
>     shutting down the old server. There was a problem when upgrading
>     to 3.x.x with mailboxes created with cyrus 2.3 or before and that
>     was fixed in 3.0.11 (see
>     https://www.cyrusimap.org/imap/download/release-notes/3.0/x/3.0.11.html
>     and https://github.com/cyrusimap/cyrus-imapd/issues/2839 for the
>     bug report)
>     >
>     > Does this upgrade path suffer from the same issue ? I am not
>     familiar with the inner-workings of cyrus. It appears that the
>     Debian maintainers have not backported the patch in 3.0.8 (see
>     https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=933163 and I
>     looked at the source code)
>     >
>     > Cheers,
>     > Adrien
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