Cyrus (Sieve) and external programs

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at
Fri Jun 8 10:22:45 EDT 2018

> sa-learn would be the way to go, but my spamassassin is not on the
> same server as my mailboxes. I tried solution with a common mailbox
> and something like fetchmail on my spamassassin machine, but could
> not get it to work as I intended.
> You are right about learning based on user experience, but as it is a
> score based learning I would like to try to see how it goes. Maybe
> I'll come to regret it but well...

The fetchmail method works.

In the spamd home directory create a .fetchmailrc file like:

poll protocol IMAP:
user {user} with password {secret}

Where {user} is a system account with access to the user.{user}.SPAM

Then you want to run:
fetchmail --verbose --keep --all --norewrite  --folder
'user.{user}.SPAM' --mda '/usr/bin/sa-learn --spam'  AS THE "spamd"
USER for each user.

It works for smallish systems.   Easily enough adapted to learn from
one centralized folder provided your mail client has an easy way to get
SPAM reported messages into that folder.

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