xfer from 2.4 -> 3.0.2, double reconstruct necessary?

Stephan Lauffer lauffer at ph-freiburg.de
Mon Aug 7 12:08:19 EDT 2017


I mooved a mailbox in a murder setup from a 2.4.18 backend to a 3.0.2 
frontend (with a 2.4.18 proxy/frontend server).

After the mailbox was transferred we saw no mails but the mailbox 
folderts. So we started a "reconstruct -V max" and a "quota -f". After 
that no mails where shown/visibla via imap, too.

So we played around and started a "reconstruct -V max" with a "-r 
user...." two times.

Only after the second reconstruct the mails were be found and added to 
the index. In the first run just the format was transformed.

So my question is:

Is this the well know and "offical" way to transfer mailboxes from a 2.4 
to a 3.0? Or should there be some "magic" after the transfer which 
failed here in our setup?

I would say it would be very, very nice if the 3.0.2 backend will be 
capable to postexec neccessary commands after an completed mailbox transfer.

If this isn't possible to implement in the cyrus-imapd it would be nice 
to add some few words in 
at the paragraph "Special note for Murder configurations". Maybe we 
already have the hints and tips in the doc but I just didn't found it...?!

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