
Ken Murchison murch at
Tue Jul 19 12:00:28 EDT 2016

On 07/19/2016 11:49 AM, Gabriele Bulfon wrote:
> I found that expecially the function "_index_thread_ref" is quite 
> different (arguments and implementation) in 2.4.12, while it's very 
> similar in 2.5.8 : is it safe to upgrade binaries from 2.4.12 to 2.5.8 
> on a running system, or do I need any kind of conversion?


> Also, the diff around "index_msgdata_free" where "if (!md) continue;" 
> is added, is quite different from 2.5.8 too, but it's probably not 
> necessary, as far as I can see...can you check this?

It is necessary.  It would be necessary in 2.5.8 if this patch were to 
be backported.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Sonicle S.r.l. *: <>
> *Music: * <>
> *Quantum Mechanics : *
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Da:* Ken Murchison <murch at>
> *A:* gbulfon at info-cyrus at
> *Data:* 19 luglio 2016 15.02.36 CEST
> *Oggetto:* Re: thread=refs
>     I don't think much has changed in the threading code for a while.
>     I would expect that the patch would apply pretty cleanly to 2.4.x.
>     On 07/19/2016 02:58 AM, Gabriele Bulfon wrote:
>>     Wow! This is really interesting!
>>     What minimum version of cyrus sources can I use for these changes?
>>     At the moment I'm running servers with 2.4.12, on our illumos
>>     based distro XStreamOS.
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     *Sonicle S.r.l. *:
>>     *Music: *
>>     *Quantum Mechanics : *
>>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     *Da:* Ken Murchison <murch at>
>>     *A:* gbulfon at info-cyrus at
>>     *Data:* 14 luglio 2016 17.14.18 CEST
>>     *Oggetto:* Re: thread=refs
>>         I went ahead and committed an implementation of THREAD-REFS:
>>         Per the draft, grouping by subject is skipped and threads
>>         (toplevel messages) are sorted by INTERNALDATE, while the
>>         messages within the threads are still sorted by SENTDATE.
>>         I confirmed that THREAD=REFERENCES is still correct, but I
>>         have nothing to compare THREAD=REFS results to. The current
>>         threading in Thunderbird is close, but it might be using
>>         INTERNALDATE throughout.
>>         On 07/12/2016 04:44 PM, Ken Murchison via Info-cyrus wrote:
>>>         Gabriele,
>>>         The attached patch is what I was thinking in terms of
>>>         implementation. It skips the grouping by subject for REFS,
>>>         but I didn't do the REFS-specific date handling. Contrary to
>>>         what the THREAD=REFS draft says, I'm not sure if the special
>>>         date handling should be done in step 4 or 6. I would have to
>>>         did deeper into the code to see where is belongs.
>>>         On 07/08/2016 11:36 AM, Gabriele Bulfon via Info-cyrus wrote:
>>>>         Mainly web clients, installed clients usually implements
>>>>         threading internally to overcome problems with the original
>>>>         references algorithm that is often confusing.
>>>>         The problem with references is that it includes subject
>>>>         grouping, that is an old netscape model of the 90s: today,
>>>>         we just need references within the headers ids, or we may
>>>>         take a wrong message in the thread just because it has a
>>>>         similar subject (for example automatic mails with same
>>>>         subjects would be treated as a thread, which is wrong).
>>>>         Now, we're staring to implement threading view on our web
>>>>         collaboration software, running on cyrus.
>>>>         So we are investigating how RoundCube is doing threading on
>>>>         a dovecot installation, and we found it to be the same as
>>>>         the client algrithm of Thunderbird, which is fine. Looking
>>>>         at the protocol, it uses REFS first, probably because it
>>>>         has no subject grouping by definition, and it should have a
>>>>         better date sorting. Should, because I found that Dovecot
>>>>         does not sort it reversed...
>>>>         Maybe I will ask Dovecot guys why they choose to keep sort
>>>>         same as references: I suspect that claim to support refs,
>>>>         but actually the do the same references functions, but
>>>>         never do subject grouping.
>>>>         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>         *Sonicle S.r.l. *:
>>>>         *Music: *
>>>>         *Quantum Mechanics : *
>>>>         ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>         *Da:* Ken Murchison <murch at>
>>>>         *A:* gbulfon at info-cyrus at
>>>>         *Data:* 8 luglio 2016 17.17.32 CEST
>>>>         *Oggetto:* Re: thread=refs
>>>>             On 07/08/2016 11:08 AM, Gabriele Bulfon wrote:
>>>>>             Ok, sure, but still two issues remain other than the
>>>>>             draft:
>>>>>             - we need to get rid of subject grouping in REFS, it
>>>>>             only brings disorder, merging stuff that is not related
>>>>             I believe that the parameterization of the core
>>>>             functions should be able to handle this.
>>>>>             - I would try to guess why dovecot does not change
>>>>>             sorting in REFS, keeping it same as REFERENCES
>>>>             I would contact that Dovecot authors and find out which
>>>>             version of the THREAD=REFS draft they based their work on.
>>>>             BTW, which clients use THREAD=REFS?
>>>>>             ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>             *Sonicle S.r.l. *:
>>>>>             *Music: *
>>>>>             *Quantum Mechanics :
>>>>>             *
>>>>>             ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>             *Da:* Ken Murchison <murch at>
>>>>>             *A:* gbulfon at info-cyrus at
>>>>>             *Data:* 8 luglio 2016 16.39.17 CEST
>>>>>             *Oggetto:* Re: thread=refs
>>>>>                 Is there an actual RFC? All I find is
>>>>>                 draft-ietf-morg-inthread-01. Looking at that
>>>>>                 draft, the only difference between REFS ad
>>>>>                 REFERENCES is this:
>>>>>                      THREAD=REFS sorts threads by the most recent INTERNALDATE in each
>>>>>                      thread, replacing THREAD=REFERENCES step (4). This means that when a
>>>>>                      new message arrives, its thread becomes the latest thread. (Note
>>>>>                      that while threads are sorted by arrival date, messages within a
>>>>>                      thread are sorted by sent date, just as for THREAD=REFERENCES.)
>>>>>                 This being the case, I don't think we need two
>>>>>                 copies of the threading functions. I'd modify the
>>>>>                 exiting functions to take an additional parameter
>>>>>                 to specify whether we're doing REFS or REFERENCES
>>>>>                 and then have 2 wrapper functions which call the
>>>>>                 main function with the parameter set appropriately
>>>>>                 for the given algorithm.
>>>>>                 On 07/08/2016 10:03 AM, Gabriele Bulfon wrote:
>>>>>>                 Ok, it works :) but checking against dovecot
>>>>>>                 implementation, it looks like they have refs
>>>>>>                 order same as references, but without subject
>>>>>>                 grouping. AFAIK the RFC on refs says ordering of
>>>>>>                 dates within the group should be reversed. Am I
>>>>>>                 wrong?
>>>>>>                 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>                 *Sonicle S.r.l. *:
>>>>>>                 *Music: *
>>>>>>                 *Quantum Mechanics :
>>>>>>                 *
>>>>>>                 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>                 *Da:* Gabriele Bulfon via Info-cyrus
>>>>>>                 <info-cyrus at>
>>>>>>                 *A:* Ken Murchison <murch at>
>>>>>>                 info-cyrus at
>>>>>>                 *Data:* 8 luglio 2016 15.22.56 CEST
>>>>>>                 *Oggetto:* Re: thread=refs
>>>>>>                     Testing ;) and checking against a dovecot
>>>>>>                     machine with refs and same messages.
>>>>>>                     Will let you know
>>>>>>                     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>                     *Sonicle S.r.l. *:
>>>>>>                     *Music: *
>>>>>>                     *Quantum Mechanics :
>>>>>>                     *
>>>>>>                     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>                     *Da:* Ken Murchison <murch at>
>>>>>>                     *A:* gbulfon at
>>>>>>                     info-cyrus at
>>>>>>                     *Data:* 8 luglio 2016 15.02.38 CEST
>>>>>>                     *Oggetto:* Re: thread=refs
>>>>>>                         On 07/07/2016 02:03 PM, Gabriele Bulfon
>>>>>>                         via Info-cyrus wrote:
>>>>>>>                         I can finally get back to this after so
>>>>>>>                         many months!
>>>>>>>                         I checked the sources, and I actually
>>>>>>>                         see it doesn't look very hard.
>>>>>>>                         Looks like:
>>>>>>>                         - renaming all functions like
>>>>>>>                         "index_thread_ref" into
>>>>>>>                         "index_thread_references"
>>>>>>>                         - duplicate them as "index_thread_refs"
>>>>>>>                         - let "references" alg call the
>>>>>>>                         "references" funcs
>>>>>>>                         - add support for "refs" in thread_algs
>>>>>>>                         and let them call the "refs" funcs
>>>>>>                         Makes sense.
>>>>>>>                         then:
>>>>>>>                         - completely remove the call to
>>>>>>>                         "ref_group_subjects", we don't want it
>>>>>>>                         at all in refs
>>>>>>>                         - change the sortcrit to use the
>>>>>>>                         SORT_REVERSE modifier
>>>>>>                         As long as you mean making these changes
>>>>>>                         for just the "refs" variant and not both.
>>>>>>>                         what do you think? may be fine?
>>>>>>>                         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>                         *Sonicle S.r.l. *:
>>>>>>>                         *Music: *
>>>>>>>                         *Quantum Mechanics :
>>>>>>>                         *
>>>>>>>                         ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>                         *Da:* Ken Murchison <murch at>
>>>>>>>                         *A:* info-cyrus at
>>>>>>>                         *Data:* 5 ottobre 2015 14.04.02 CEST
>>>>>>>                         *Oggetto:* Re: thread=refs
>>>>>>>                             As far as I can tell, the last
>>>>>>>                             specification for thread=refs was
>>>>>>>                             here:
>>>>>>>                             To implement this you want to look
>>>>>>>                             at index.c in the Cyrus source and
>>>>>>>                             add another entry to the
>>>>>>>                             thread_algs[] array. I'm guessing
>>>>>>>                             that you can reuse a lot of the
>>>>>>>                             existing index_thread_ref() code
>>>>>>>                             (which is probably needs to be
>>>>>>>                             renamed to index_thread_references()).
>>>>>>>                             On 10/05/2015 06:07 AM, Gabriele
>>>>>>>                             Bulfon wrote:
>>>>>>>>                             Great, Ken. Can you give me some
>>>>>>>>                             advice / pointer to the sources I
>>>>>>>>                             should look at?
>>>>>>>>                             Gabriele
>>>>>>>>                             ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>                             *Da:* Ken Murchison
>>>>>>>>                             <murch at>
>>>>>>>>                             *A:* info-cyrus at
>>>>>>>>                             *Data:* 2 ottobre 2015 19.08.04 CEST
>>>>>>>>                             *Oggetto:* Re: thread=refs
>>>>>>>>                                 On 10/02/2015 10:53 AM,
>>>>>>>>                                 Gabriele Bulfon wrote:
>>>>>>>>>                                 Nice, it's not a big deal for
>>>>>>>>>                                 us to upgrade to new versions,
>>>>>>>>>                                 surely easier than porting to
>>>>>>>>>                                 Dovecot! ;)
>>>>>>>>>                                 So, maybe we can help with the
>>>>>>>>>                                 implementation.
>>>>>>>>>                                 In my mind, it's almost about
>>>>>>>>>                                 changing the
>>>>>>>>>                                 "thread=reference" and let it
>>>>>>>>>                                 omit the subject matching,
>>>>>>>>>                                 change sorting
>>>>>>>>>                                 and...maybe just this? How
>>>>>>>>>                                 much hard do you think it is?
>>>>>>>>                                 That sounds about right from
>>>>>>>>                                 what I remember of
>>>>>>>>                                 THREAD=REFERENCES (which I
>>>>>>>>                                 co-authored and implemented)
>>>>>>>>                                 and THREAD=REFS (which I think
>>>>>>>>                                 was last documented in 2010).
>>>>>>>>>                                 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>                                 *Da:* Bron Gondwana
>>>>>>>>>                                 <brong at>
>>>>>>>>>                                 *A:*
>>>>>>>>>                                 info-cyrus at
>>>>>>>>>                                 *Data:* 2 ottobre 2015
>>>>>>>>>                                 12.59.08 CEST
>>>>>>>>>                                 *Oggetto:* Re: thread=refs
>>>>>>>>>                                     No, there isn't. The
>>>>>>>>>                                     conversations work in 3.0
>>>>>>>>>                                     beta contains a lot of
>>>>>>>>>                                     what would be required to
>>>>>>>>>                                     efficiently implement
>>>>>>>>>                                     THREAD=REFS, but nobody
>>>>>>>>>                                     has done the work to
>>>>>>>>>                                     implement it.
>>>>>>>>>                                     It certainly will never be
>>>>>>>>>                                     backported to the 2.4
>>>>>>>>>                                     series, which is only
>>>>>>>>>                                     getting security updates
>>>>>>>>>                                     and fixes for major bugs now.
>>>>>>>>>                                     Regards,
>>>>>>>>>                                     Bron.
>>>>>>>>>                                     On Fri, Oct 2, 2015, at
>>>>>>>>>                                     18:40, Gabriele Bulfon wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>                                     Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>                                     we have systems running
>>>>>>>>>>                                     cyrus 2.4.12, where
>>>>>>>>>>                                     thread algorithms are
>>>>>>>>>>                                     only references and
>>>>>>>>>>                                     orderedsubject.
>>>>>>>>>>                                     Is there support for the
>>>>>>>>>>                                     thread=refs algorithm?
>>>>>>>>>>                                     Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>                                     Gabriele
>>>>>>>>>>                                     ----
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>>>>>>>>>                                     Bron Gondwana
>>>>>>>>>                                     brong at
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>>>>>>>>>                                 To Unsubscribe:
>>>>>>>>                                 -- 
>>>>>>>>                                 Kenneth Murchison
>>>>>>>>                                 Principal Systems Software Engineer
>>>>>>>>                                 Carnegie Mellon University
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>>>>>>>>                             Cyrus Home Page:
>>>>>>>>                             List Archives/Info:
>>>>>>>>                             To Unsubscribe:
>>>>>>>                             -- 
>>>>>>>                             Kenneth Murchison
>>>>>>>                             Principal Systems Software Engineer
>>>>>>>                             Carnegie Mellon University
>>>>>>>                         ----
>>>>>>>                         Cyrus Home Page:
>>>>>>>                         List Archives/Info:
>>>>>>>                         To Unsubscribe:
>>>>>>                         -- 
>>>>>>                         Kenneth Murchison
>>>>>>                         Principal Systems Software Engineer
>>>>>>                         Carnegie Mellon University
>>>>>>                     ----
>>>>>>                     Cyrus Home Page:
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>>>>>>                     To Unsubscribe:
>>>>>                 -- 
>>>>>                 Kenneth Murchison
>>>>>                 Principal Systems Software Engineer
>>>>>                 Carnegie Mellon University
>>>>             -- 
>>>>             Kenneth Murchison
>>>>             Principal Systems Software Engineer
>>>>             Carnegie Mellon University
>>>>         ----
>>>>         Cyrus Home Page:
>>>>         List Archives/Info:
>>>>         To Unsubscribe:
>>>         -- 
>>>         Kenneth Murchison
>>>         Principal Systems Software Engineer
>>>         Carnegie Mellon University
>>>         ----
>>>         Cyrus Home Page:
>>>         List Archives/Info:
>>>         To Unsubscribe:
>>         -- 
>>         Kenneth Murchison
>>         Principal Systems Software Engineer
>>         Carnegie Mellon University
>     -- 
>     Kenneth Murchison
>     Principal Systems Software Engineer
>     Carnegie Mellon University

Kenneth Murchison
Principal Systems Software Engineer
Carnegie Mellon University

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