Cyrus imap 2.3.11-xx with postfix 2.9.4

Michael Menge michael.menge at
Wed Nov 25 05:45:18 EST 2015

Quoting Josef Karliak via Info-cyrus <info-cyrus at>:

> Good morning,
>   we had some issue tomorow's morning - some users couldn't login to an
> email system. We use ypages for distributing passwd maps, authorizing
> daemon is saslauthd.
>   Some users logged in, some not. "Unauthorized" users made a record to
> the syslog:
> Nov 24 08:01:23 email1 saslauthd[10396]: DEBUG: auth_pam: pam_authenticate
> failed: User not known to the underlying authentication module
> Nov 24 08:01:23 email1 saslauthd[10396]: do_auth         : auth failure:
> [user=username] [service=imap] [realm=] [mech=pam] [reason=PAM auth error]
> Nov 24 08:01:23 email1 imap[26411]: badlogin: localhost []
> plaintext username SASL(-13): authentication failure: checkpass failed
>   About this time +/- seconds I see in the mail log this complains of the
> postfix to the cyrus's lmtp:
> Nov 24 08:01:25 email1 postfix/lmtp[29859]: warning: 19535581B: non-LMTP
> response from[public/lmtp]: do_ypcall: clnt_call: RPC:
> Timed out
> Nov 24 08:01:25 email1 postfix/lmtp[29859]: warning: to prevent loss of
> mail, turn off command pipelining for public/lmtp with the
> lmtp_discard_lhlo_keyword_address_maps parameter
> Nov 24 08:01:50 email1 postfix/lmtp[29859]: warning: 19535581B: non-LMTP
> response from[public/lmtp]: do_ypcall: clnt_call: RPC:
> Timed out
> Nov 24 08:01:50 email1 postfix/lmtp[29859]: warning: to prevent loss of
> mail, turn off command pipelining for public/lmtp with the
> lmtp_discard_lhlo_keyword_address_maps parameter
>   The username was in all 3 hosts maps, another users logged in, there is
> no complains about network connections.
>   This worked fine for an years, but this issue happened twice within 2
> weeks.
>   An administrators of the ypages servers don't see any problem or logs
> about theirs server.
>   What caused this issue ? What can I do to prevent it.

The errors "User not known to the underlying authentication module" and
"do_ypcall: clnt_call: RPC: Timed out" indicate that your system is unable
to query the ypages in time. As this happens to postfix and cyrus I think
it is not a problem in postfix or cyrus but in your ypages client,
ypages server or the network connection.

M.Menge                                Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen                   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung          mail:  
michael.menge at
Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

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