Murder frontend problem

Andrew Morgan morgan at
Fri Jun 5 13:42:06 EDT 2015

On Fri, 5 Jun 2015, Major Csaba wrote:

> There is one more small question: why the proxied LMTP needs to have "admins" 
> permission on the backend? I thought the proxyservers setting is for this, 
> but LMTP doesn't work without adding my proxy user in the "admins"...

Play around with lmtp_admins in imapd.conf.  Our mail relays connect to 
our frontends over lmtp and auth as "cyr_lmtp".  That authentication is 
proxied to the backends for delivery.

Here is our admin-related config on the backends:

admins: cyrus cyr_proxy
lmtp_admins: cyr_lmtp cyr_proxy
# Only set proxyservers on Standard Murder BACKENDS
proxyservers: cyr_proxy

and on our frontends:

admins: cyrus
lmtp_admins: cyr_lmtp
proxy_authname: cyr_proxy
proxy_password: <redacted>


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