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Michael Neumann Michael.Neumann at
Mon Sep 15 03:44:44 EDT 2014

Am 12.09.2014 um 17:02 schrieb Michel Blanc:
> Hello,
> I use the following handy one liner :
> lsof  -p `pidof imapd|tr ' ' ','` | \
> grep '/var/lib/cyrus/user/.*\.seen$' | \
> awk '{ print $9 }' | sort | uniq | \
> cut -f7 -d'/' | cut -f1 -d'.'
> with cyrus 2.2 under ubuntu server, YMMV !

Thanks, using lsof is a good idea, can be used to gather other useful
imap connection informations as well.

Michael Neumann

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