Still getting SQUAT errors after adding squatter to events

Joshua Battles joshua.r.battles at
Wed Feb 12 16:39:05 EST 2014

On Feb 12, 2014 2:58 PM, "Dan White" <dwhite at> wrote:
>> The entry has been in the config for 24 hours and I'm still seeing squat
>> errors. Here is the line I've added:
>> squatter       cmd="/use/sbin/squatter -r user" period=30
> You have a typo here, in the path.

Good catch on the path, however it was ok in the file.  Spell check must've
gotten it when I sent the email to the list.

On Feb 12, 2014 3:02 PM, "Dudi Goldenberg" <dudi at> wrote:
> >I've added it as an event in Cyrus.conf but I am still getting the
errors. The entry has been in the config for 24 hours and I'm still seeing
squat errors. Here is the line I've added:
> >squatter       cmd="/use/sbin/squatter -r user" period=30
> Just omit "-r user" to index all mailboxes, like:
> squatter      cmd="/usr/sbin/squatter" at=0520
> Regards,
> D

I thought this was required to get it to index subfolders also? Am I
reading the man page wrong?

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