Cyrus IMAP 2.2 - other user not allowed to proxy

Dan White dwhite at
Tue Jan 15 03:29:45 EST 2013

On 01/15/13 16:15 +0800, John/SML wrote:
>I am using Cyrus IMAP 2.2.13 binary built from Ubuntu 8.04 with SASL
>GSSAPI / Kerberos authentication (SASL 2.1.22). When I set authorization
>(SAM) to allow another user to access one's mailbox, he failed and the
>system log read "user is not allowed to proxy...". The original user could
>access without any problem, and both users are of the same domain.

You will need to have loginuseacl enabled in /etc/imapd.conf, and you will
need to provide 'a' rights to the second user, otherwise setting ACLs
only provides access to the first user's mailbox (via his own login).

Dan White

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