How Do i get last lgin date for all my users

Charles Bradshaw brad at
Thu Apr 11 08:42:04 EDT 2013

Your maillog contains the info you require.

As root on a linux install try:
# cat /var/log/maillog | grep login

Which should give you a list of all login details up to the last date
stamp on maillog (or whatever your log file is named).

Your syslog is your friend.

On Thu, 2013-04-11 at 10:15 +0200, Marc Patermann wrote:
> Dale J Chatham schrieb (10.04.2013 21:49 Uhr):
> > Assuming Linux?UNIX,
> > log onto the machine, run the command: last
> This does only work, if IMAP users are system users - which most of the 
> time is not the case.
> > Perl is your friend.
> Pass your imap log for "User logged in". Extract username and timestamp. 
>   Update the users entry in your data store with the timestamp.
> Maybe your syslog daemon can do something like that for you.
> Marc
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