Sync log replica process

Manel Gimeno Zaragozá magiza83 at
Tue Mar 13 05:46:27 EDT 2012


I've some doubts about how sync logs and the order about how they should be processed. I've done some bunch tests and during the process stop replic to try to simulate a possible crash.
In my test I've saw the following:

1.- I send 10 mails to Master and it starts to replicate.
2.- file "log" is created and change to "log-13835"
3.- Replica crash and "log-13835" never ends and remains in /var/lib/imap/sync/ "forever"
4.- while replica is crashed the user is making actions in the 10 mails send before (moving aroung folders, deleting, etc...) and all "changes" are saved in "log" file
5.- Replica comes up and i run "sync_client -r" to sincronize the changes.
    The question is here. Should I first run "sync_client -r -f /var/lib/imap/sync/log-13835" before starts "sync_client -r"? I understand that the log-13835 has the information about the 10 mail received, and "log" has information about mail that are not yet in replica.
6.- Anyway, I run "sync_client -r"    without process "log-13835" and, what a surprise!! everything is on their place and sync works ok with out processing the log-13835
7.- I run my  "integrity_check" based on Bron's integrity check and the only "problem" I see is a mismatch in "highestmodseq" for the folder where the user moves the mails.
    Mismatched 'highestmodseq' for "user.gdatmgim.temp" master=7, replica=9
    This error remain until some action is taken in the folder.
So, my question is, is it necessary to process the "log-PID" before sync the "log" file? Because in my test it looks like it's not necessary.

Thanks & Regards.

Manel Gimeno Zaragoza
magiza83 at
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