Wonky mailbox

Ewald Dieterich ewald.lists at fun.de
Fri Mar 9 08:43:13 EST 2012

On 03/09/12 10:38, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
> we're having trouble with a particular user's INBOX. She can't delete
> messages. We're running Cyrus 2.3.14 (update to 2.4.x is already in
> progress). Using telemetry I found that it's really a server-side issue.
> I've used imtest to try it myself:
> . myrights INBOX
> * MYRIGHTS INBOX lrswipkxecda

The t flag is missing.

    t - delete messages (set or clear \DELETED flag via STORE, set
        \DELETED flag during APPEND/COPY)


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