I/O error moving mailbox

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Thu Jun 21 06:18:37 EDT 2012

On Thu, 2012-06-21 at 11:57 +0200, Javier Sánchez-Arévalo Díaz wrote:
> I'm experiencing some problems moving a mailbox from one partition
> ("default") to another ("part3").
> I have already moved more than 19000 mailboxes from "default" to
> "part3" but I don't know why I'm unable to move 
> "user.col1901"

If you tail your mail / messages log do you see any messages when you
try to move the mailbox?

> When I try to do It I receive the next error:
> [...]
> localhost> renm user.col1901 user.col1901 part3
> renamemailbox: System I/O error
> [...]
> I have checked permissions and even I have given 777 to this mailbox:

It probably isn't a good idea to mess with filesystem permissions.  As
long as everything is owned by your cyrus user it should be just fine.

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