total space = (used quota) + (to be expunged)?

Greg Banks gnb at
Tue Feb 7 20:28:39 EST 2012

Sent from my iPhone

On 08/02/2012, at 0:51, Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam at>  

> Quoting Andre Felipe Machado <andremachado at>:
>> Hello
>> After reading some archived list msg [1], and database formats doc  
>> (quotas
>> topic)[2], I realized that there is not a "high level" cyrus command
>> to display
>> total disk/partition space actually used at a Cyrus imap backend.
>> In order to get exact (approximated when single instance store is
>> enabled) to be
>> expunged messages space should a du / df be used ?
>> df_used_blocks - used_quota = space_to_be_expunged
> <> is possibly  
> related

Indeed, and we certainly could do that, although it involves a  
cyrus.index header format change, which is unnecessarily painful with  
the current data format. The question is how much value would you get  
from it, given that the user's contribution to the cyrus.cache,  
cyrus.header, mboxlist, annotations (and on the fastmail branch,  
conversations) dbs are not accounted for.


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