lmtp session ids in murder env.

Wolfgang Breyha wbreyha at gmx.net
Fri Nov 11 10:55:02 EST 2011


lmtpd returns a session ID with his "250 ok SESSIONID=....".

This includes the murders frontend sessionid. But this sessionid is never
written to syslog by lmtpd on frontends. Only the backends log their sessionid
when the frontend logs in.

Even if the frontend logs its own session id, there wont be a easily grep'ed
connection to the backends sessionid.

And here we have the second drawback for murders. Frontends tend to keep lmtp
sessions alive pretty long and backend sessionids never change until disconnected.

So, currently these sessionids don't help as much as expected in murder

On a single host they're very helpful.

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha <wbreyha at gmx.net> | http://www.blafasel.at/
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria

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