Problems with the quota command (2.3.16-5)

Eric Luyten Eric.Luyten at
Tue Jul 26 04:13:20 EDT 2011

On Tue, July 26, 2011 9:57 am, Simon Matter wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using cyrus-imapd-2.3.16-5 (Packager: Simon Matter) on CentOS 5.6
>> (I'm currently not updated to 2.4 because there are know bugs in the quota
>> command)
> Hi,
> 1) the "quota bug" has existed for years, a workaraound is to run quota -f
> twice. That may also be the reason why you see strange behaviour like below.
> 2) the "quota bug" has been fixed in the latest 2.4 release, so you really
> should upgrade.


Does the quota bug expose itself independently of the underlying quota
database structure ?
I'm running a Cyrus 2.2 and 2.3 server since 2006 for tens of thousands
of users and we "regularly" rename top level mailboxes, run reconstruct
and quota -f also on other occasions. Never ran into the bug.
Quotalegacy format (= one file per user).

Eric Luyten.

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