cvt_cyrusdb flat to skiplist fails

Bron Gondwana brong at
Wed May 5 18:09:04 EDT 2010

On Wed, May 05, 2010 at 09:15:10AM +0000, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
> Bernhard Reiter <bernhard <at>> writes:
> > annotations.db is in the skiplist format.
> > Now cvt_cyrusdb seems to fail a simple back and forth conversion test
> > to flat and back. How can that be?
> > 
> > cvt_cyrusdb /tmp/annotations.db skiplist /tmp/x flat
> > Converting from /tmp/annotations.db (skiplist) to /tmp/x (flat)
> > 
> > Converting from /tmp/x (flat) to /tmp/y (skiplist)
> > Warning: apparently empty database converted.
> Did you ever get a reply? We have the same problem here, and we
> need to hand-edit the annotations.db due to the folder types for
> some shared folders switching from event to mail sometimes…
> Is there another format which can do the round trip? After con-
> verting to berkeley the server stopped working because it wanted
> to use the berkeley DB from there on instead of its skiplist file
> and had recorded that in the /var/lib/cyrus/db/log.0000000117 file…

I use cyr_dbtool to edit skiplists - you can dump just some lines
and then restore just those lines.

Note - it won't handle records or keys with embedded newlines though
(you can still set them by passing them as individual command line
parameters to "set" - but you can't parse them from a file)


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