Security with TLS

Marc Patermann hans.moser at
Thu Jan 28 06:33:46 EST 2010


Nybbles2Byte schrieb:

> Two quick questions:
> Is there a setting in the Cyrus server to force the use of security like 
> STARTTLS in the email clients?
I may be wrong, but with
allowplaintext: 0 in imapd.conf you deny unencrypted connections with 
plain/login. You then must use TLS/SSL+plain/login or 
CRAM-MD5/Digest-MD5. If you don't have CRAM-MD5/Digest-MD5 enabled, 
there ist only encrypted plain/login left.

> It didn't work when I specified "SSL/TLS" in Thuderbird it does work 
> with STARTTLS.
What does/does not work? I don't understand.

> My understanding is that SSL/TLS would be better because 
> you start off secured right from the start instead of starting in clear 
> text and then negotiating a secured connection. If this is not correct, 
> please enlighten me, if it is correct, is there a way to make cyrus 
> accommodate "SSL/TLS"?
Take a look at the "TLS fails on imaps port" thread.


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