Create a Admin System to Cyrus Murder in PHP

Lucas Zinato Carraro lucaszc at
Mon Aug 30 11:14:08 EDT 2010

I need to create a program to manage users in OpenLDAP
and Cyrus Mailboxes ( Aggregation ).

Search in internet i found examples in  PHP using IMAP functions and Cyrus.

I find some examples using:

imap_set_quota, imap_mailboxmsginfo, imap_setacl, imap_status,
imap_getacl, imap_get_quota

I dont find a good example with imap_createmailbox and imap_renamemailbox.

With  imap_createmailbox :  If i connect in frontend server with cyrus
admin , i can use this function to
create a mailbox user ? Its possible to specify the backend and partition ?
Anyone has a little example ?

and with

imap_renamemailbox: i can use this function to move user between backends ?

Anyone, knows a good class to use ?
I was searching a class that implements some cyradm functions:
createmailbox,  rename,  reconstruct,


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