Cyrus 2.2 notifyd log format change?

Mattias Ahnberg mattias at
Wed Aug 4 21:10:48 EDT 2010

tonight I upgraded my Cyrus installation to 2.2.13-19 on a
Debian server, and I noticed that the log format for notifyd
changed after this, from a one-line format to a multi-line


The syslog output USED to be:
Aug  5 02:19:30 paranoia notifyd[25641]: SIEVE, normal, ahnberg, ,  "root at (root): apt-listchanges: news for paranoia
Action(s) taken: Filed into: ahn-logs"

But after the upgrade it is:
Aug  5 03:07:36 paranoia notifyd[10431]: SIEVE, normal, ahnberg, ,  "Charlie Root <root at>: daily run output

Action(s) taken:
Filed into: ahn-logs


Can I control this behavior somewhere? The latter output is
not very appreciated and makes it harder for me to parse.

Thank you for any insight or advice in the matter.

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