cyrus imap quota

Mike Eggleston mikeegg1 at
Wed Apr 7 11:19:16 EDT 2010

On Wed, 07 Apr 2010, Holm Kapschitzki might have said:

> Simon Matter schrieb:
> >> Holm Kapschitzki schrieb:
> >>> on my debian box running cyrus imap, most of the postboxes have a quota
> >>> of 100 MB configured. The info is stored in a textfile. On the first
> >>> line there is the currently quota and on the second line there is the
> >>> real hardquota, for example 100000 (100 MB)
> >>>
> >>> Its possible to stop the cyrus mailserver und replace the second line
> >>> with another value without breaking something  for all the defined
> >>> postboxes?
> > 
> > Yes that's possible but you should use Cyrus quota command instead which
> > can be done while Cyrus is up and running. And note that quota information
> > can be stores in other database formats which will make the method above
> > unusable.
> > 
> thx for answer. But i had to change over 5 thousend mailboxes. so its
> impossible to change this boxes step by step. Thats the reason, i asked
> for changing directly in the textfile. But you say thats impossible
> cause it can be stores in other database formats. Do i have another
> possibility?
> Holm

Can you use expect(1) to change the mail boxes through cyradm(8)?


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