Statistics on message sizes, folders, etc

Matt Selsky selsky at
Mon Oct 5 10:33:37 EDT 2009

Here's the output for the store my mailbox is on (6 x 500GB  
partitions, most are 40% full).  Let me know if it would be useful to  
have output from the rest of the stores.


STATS for /etc/imapd.conf
Partitions: 7
Users: 12570
Folders: 110469

Folders per user:
  1                    1607
  10 - 30              2177
  100 - 300            51
  2                    2840
  3                    1417
  30 - 100             509
  300 - 1000           9
  4                    1343
  5                    668
  6                    781
  7                    431
  8                    490
  9                    245
  > 1000               2

Messages per folder:
  0                    24283
  1                    9293
  1,000 - 3,000        3781
  10 - 30              17276
  10,000 - 30,000      178
  100 - 300            9791
  2                    4843
  20,000 - 100,000     7
  3                    3743
  3,000 - 10,000       1446
  30 - 100             16006
  300 - 1,000          6848
  4                    2987
  5                    2508
  6                    2213
  7                    1935
  8                    1780
  9                    1551

Message sizes:
  0                    254
  1 - 3 KB             7006825
  1 - 3 MB             132156
  10 - 30 KB           3304247
  100 - 300 B          3642
  100 - 300 KB         689501
  2                    1
  3 - 10 KB            8620348
  3 - 10 MB            70074
  30 - 100 KB          1938822
  300 B - 1 KB         1131644
  300 KB - 1 MB        357495
  60                   4
  62                   2
  66                   6
  67                   1
  68                   1
  69                   3
  78                   1
  79                   2
  82                   1
  83                   1
  84                   1
  90                   1
  92                   3
  93                   3
  94                   3
  95                   3
  98                   1
  > 10 MB              13663

Ratio of gaps between UIDs: (expunge tracking)
  ALL                  6374
  HIGH                 6815
  LOW                  13375
  MEDIUM               5308
  NONE                 78597

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