VMware for Cyrus?

David Lang david.lang at digitalinsight.com
Tue Nov 10 18:01:04 EST 2009

On Mon, 9 Nov 2009, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:

> --On 9. November 2009 14:10:54 +0100 Simon Matter <simon.matter at invoca.ch>
> wrote:
>> While virtualization has advantages it has also disadvantages. One thing
>> is that it introduces an additional layer of complexity into the game.
>> It's my impression that in many areas virtualization gets introduced not
>> because of technical reasons but because of political pressure.
> In our case I wouldn't necessarily call it political pressure ... it's more
> like organizational pressure. We have fewer personnel resources than we
> used to, and have to run more systems with them!

and every time you introduce virtualization you introduce an additional system 
that you need to run.

remember that you need to admin all the virtual machines, just like you would if 
they were on their own physical boxes, plus you now need to admin the host OS.

David Lang
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