lmtpunix: DBERROR db4: Logging region out of memory; you may need to increase its size

Adam Tauno Williams adam at morrison-ind.com
Fri Sep 19 15:05:37 EDT 2008

> I got no answer on this subject, does someone has a suggestions, or 
> maybe should I give more details ?

Possibly create a DB_CONFIG file in the db directory and restart Cyrus?
I ***ASSUME*** that Cyrus will honor the settings in the DB_CONFIG file.


This is a common issue with somewhat older versions of OpenLDAP when
mixed with admins who refuse to read the documentation.  But I've never
encountered it with Cyrus.

> >> I know this problem has been answered on different lists, but I don't 
> >> understand what to do to correct it ?
> >>
> >> lmtpunix[16846]: DBERROR db4: Logging region out of memory; you may need 
> >> to increase its size

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