Sync fails: bad protocol?

Janne Peltonen janne.peltonen at
Wed May 7 10:11:30 EDT 2008


After running 2.3.11 for almost half a year, a problem like this
appeared today:

May  7 17:03:47 pcn3 i07/sync_client[18029]: Processing sync log file
/var/lib/imap/i07/sync/log-21280 failed: Bad protocol
May  7 17:03:47 pcn3 i07/sync_client[20341]: Reprocessing sync log file

and the sync_client child dies.

The log file in question contains nothing but

MAILBOX user.<censored>
MAILBOX user.<censored>.Trash
SEEN <censored> user.<censored>.Trash
MAILBOX user.<censored>

Now I wonder. What might be wrong with this?

--Janne Peltonen
Univ of Helsinki
Janne Peltonen <janne.peltonen at>

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