pam pop issue

Michael Menge michael.menge at
Mon Jun 16 15:16:33 EDT 2008


sasl does not pass the IP-Address to pam.

Quoting Ashay Chitnis <chitnis.ashay at>:

> Dear All,
> I need to access pop and imap  on user based IP level restrictions. I found
> pam to be best suited for this service level restriction. The restriction
> will be as below.
> User pqr should be allowed POP from IPADDR-1
> User B should be allowed IMAP from IPADDR-2
> User C should be allowed POP and IMAP from IPADDR-3
> and so on.
> To achieve this below settings are done in  /etc/pam.d/pop
> cat /etc/pam.d/pop
> auth    required        /lib/security/
> account required  /lib/security/ debug
> accessfile=/usr/local/etc/popaccess.conf
> account required        /lib/security/
> cat  /usr/local/etc/popaccess.conf
> +:pqr:
> OR
> -:pqr:ALL EXCEPT
> But this does not see to be working as it is not yielding desired effect
> even after restarting saslauthd and cyrus..
> Kindly guide me through..
> regards
> Ashay

M.Menge                                 Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universitaet Tuebingen                  Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung          mail:  
michael.menge at
Waechterstrasse 76
72074 Tuebingen

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