ptloader binary

Ingo Steuwer steuwer at
Thu Jan 3 05:58:55 EST 2008


Am Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2008 schrieb Lluis Faja:
> Hi,
> I'm setting up a cyrus mail server.
> I would like connect Cyrus with my LDAP groups and members, in order
> to provide group access rights to shared folders
> After Internet surfing, I've read that I must start ptloader as Cyrus
> service ... but, in Debian etch distribution, there isn't the ptloader
> binary

I don't think that is necessary, look at the ldap-options in "man imapd.conf". 
For mee something like this works:

auth_ldap_group: true
ldap_base: <base>
ldap_host: <FQDN>
ldap_port: 389
ldap_to_attr: uid
ldap_from_attr: mail

Ingo Steuwer

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