murder configuration issue

Gary W. Smith gary at
Tue Dec 9 15:37:46 EST 2008

No it does not.  This is what shows in the master server log:
Dec  9 15:37:17 mdr01 mupdate[14222]: accepted connection
Dec  9 15:37:18 mdr01 mupdate[14222]: login: mdsfe [] murder PLAIN User logged in
On the Front End I get nothing in the log file.
doing a tcpdump on port 3905, I can see then communicating (which I didn't see under 2.3.7 -- CentOS default version).  
I think I'm almost there.  I've blown away the /var/lib/imap/mailboxes.db file and ran "runuser -  cyrus  -c ' /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ctl_mboxlist -m' " but that only created a 144 byte db file (still no mailboxes when I do a dump).


From: Wesley Craig [mailto:wes at]
Sent: Tue 12/9/2008 12:36 PM
To: Gary W. Smith
Cc: info-cyrus at
Subject: Re: murder configuration issue

On 09 Dec 2008, at 15:04, Gary W. Smith wrote:
> I updated to the FC10 package and now it seems to be working 
> better.  On the backend I can see the mailboxes that are synching 
> with the master, but the front end doesn't seem to be pulling the 
> information.  That is, it connects, I can see that in the log on 
> the master, and says it pulls the mailbox data but when I connect 
> via pop3 it says that it can't find the mailbox.  I'm probably just 
> missing something minor at this point.  I'm going to down 
> everything and resync a little later to see if that cures my wows.

Does ctl_mboxlist -d on the frontend show mailboxes?


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