R: question from a beginner

Toschi Pietro Pietro.Toschi at actalis.it
Thu Sep 27 13:28:35 EDT 2007

Thanks for your answer, but I posted my question here because it's related to how to make that using cyrus: unfortunately I would like to monitor all the mailboxes (or at least a large subset of them) of my server, so writing a client application that polls every mailbox is not admitted (I don't have user passwords indeed!)
I figured there is a way of hookig those events at server processes level, and manage the way you like, more or less like those application that notify you with a SMS message when you receive a new message in you mailbox (it's not my case nor may goal, but it's a very similar case) or the way that a milter application hooks to sendmail for messages pipeline management.

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Alain Spineux [mailto:aspineux at gmail.com] 
Inviato: giovedì 27 settembre 2007 19.12
A: Toschi Pietro
Cc: info-cyrus at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Oggetto: Re: question from a beginner

On 9/27/07, Toschi Pietro <Pietro.Toschi at actalis.it> wrote:
> Hello list
> I'm a beginner in cyrus imapd and mailing in general so I am quite confused.
> I'm wandering which is the best method or best practice to have an external
> process informed about a message being:
> a)       delivered into mailbox by MTA (via LMTP), and
> b)       deleted from mailbox (usually by MUA via IMAP), and
> c)       appended or copied to mailbox (usually by MUA via IMAP)
> I suspect that SIEVE and/or notifyd may do that job. Is that Right? Are
> there other solutions?

I dont thing sieve and notify will handle delete and append !

Write a script in python, perl, php (they have all 3 good imap
support) to monitor the mailbox.
Imap protocol is very powerfull, and if you just connect to an account
and select a folder,
the server can notify you about some (depend of the server) changes in
the folder.
This is not a mandatory feature, just a posibility of the protocol,
that some imap server provide.
I dont thing named above library don't handle this kind of callback,
and then you should
regularly check yourself for change in the forlder.
If you want more support about imap protocol you should post your
request on imap-protocol mailing list.


> I am using Cyrus 2.3.9 with sendmail
> Thanks
> Pietro
> ----
> Cyrus Home Page: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/
> Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/twiki
> List Archives/Info:
> http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html

Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you

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