squatter problem

Robert Banz banz at umbc.edu
Wed Sep 5 22:10:09 EDT 2007

> Are you running the command line squatter as root?  If so, then maybe
> there's a file early in the squatter run that's root owned and causing
> squatter to abort when run as the cyrus user - I'm afriad I don't know
> much about squatter, but that would be my first suspicion.

> Another theory - do you have a custom imapd.conf for the master
> process?  If so, the hand run squatter may be reading a different
> config file from the one run by master.
> Finally - have you tried changing the squatter command that master
> runs to do an strace dump to a file somewhere so you can see what
> it was trying?

I'm a good boy and, of course, don't run anything with cyrus under  
anyone other than cyrus ;)  And no funky multiple imapd.confs.

However, here's what I think may be going on...  I've got my  
cyr_expire process *and* squatter running at the same time.  I  
decided while I was sitting around this afternoon, to change sqatter  
start time to run, well, right then.  Squatter started running and  
seems to have not had a problem.

So, this begs my question:  Could there be an interaction between  
squatter and cyr_expire, where if they hit the same mailbox at the  
same time, could cause one (squatter) to decide that it doesn't have  
any more work to do?


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