Murder in replicated mode

Bron Gondwana brong at
Wed Nov 21 20:50:47 EST 2007

On Wed, Nov 21, 2007 at 09:41:15PM -0300, Diego Woitasen wrote:
> Hi!
> 	I'm trying to setup murder in replicated mode. My schema is:
> 	-Two servers + one shared storage
> 	-Redhat Cluster Suite (RHEL 5.1) with GFS2 working.
> 	-Cyrus 2.3.10 in both servers working.
> 	-spool and sieve directories on GFS
> 	-config dir on local filesystems.
> 	I have configured Cyrus in replicated mode but when I create an
> 	account in the master server, it isn't replicated unless Cyrus
> 	is restart in either node. It isnt't an authentication problem,
> 	when I create an account with cyradmin mupdate do nothing.

>From memory you may have to actually deliver a message to one of
the user's folders before it will replicate.  At least that's what
the docs suggested.  Of course we always LMTP deliver a message
right at creation time, so we never bothered to check this.


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