Cyrus Quota vs. du

Dana Canfield canfield at
Wed May 2 11:51:12 EDT 2007

We've been slowly phasing in mail quotas and I've discovered that the 
quota usage reported by cyrus doesn't match a du for that same user.  In 
fact, I can't find any user where the reports *do* match.  Is this a 
sign of quota corruption, or am I overlooking something about how the 
quotas work?

Here are some examples to show what I'm checking:

[root at balrog ~]# du -s /var/spool/imap/e/user/efreem
1068664 /var/spool/imap/e/user/efreem
[root at balrog ~]# du -s /var/spool/imap/a/user/austin
1178924 /var/spool/imap/a/user/austin

[root at balrog efreem]# cyradm --user cyrus localhost
localhost.localdomain> lq user.efreem
 STORAGE 904193/2000000 (45.20965%)
localhost.localdomain>  lq user.austin
 STORAGE 703056/1000000 (70.3056%)

Any insights would be appreciated.


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