Message retention policies

Malcolm Locke malc at
Thu Mar 15 18:16:21 EST 2007

On Thu, Mar 15, 2007 at 04:24:00PM -0600, Jason Bailey, Sun Advocate Webmaster wrote:
> Is it possible to set up a message retention policy that deletes email 
> that is, say, over a year old from the mailboxes on the server?
> I know many IMAP servers do support message retention policies, but I 
> have had difficult time finding thorough, concrete information on them 
> regarding Cyrus. Does such a feature even exist?

2 things need to be in place:

- The mailbox you want to have cleared out needs to have the 'expire'
  annotation set.  Easiest way is via cyradm, e.g. to set an expiry of
  30 days on joebloggs Trash folder.

  cyradm> mboxcfg user.joebloggs.Trash expire 30

- The cyr_expire command needs to be running in the EVENTS section of
  cyrus.conf.  I have:

    delprune      cmd="cyr_expire -E 3" period=1440

  Which causes the expired messages to be deleted every 24 hours.
Malcolm Locke - Systems Administrator,

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