FastMail.FM patchset - new patches

David Carter dpc22 at
Thu Mar 15 08:09:04 EST 2007

On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, Rob Mueller wrote:

> May not be true, but:
>>   Is it safe? - we calulated that with one billion messages you have a one
>>   in 1 billion chance of a birthday collision (two random messages with
>>   the same UUID).
> Is true.

Fair enough.

With hindsight I should probably have defined message UUIDs to be the full 
MD5 hash: 128 bits isn't that much worse than 96 bits per message. What is 
the CPU overhead like for calculating MD5 sums for everything on the fly?

UUIDs started out life as Mailbox UniqueID (64 bits) plus Message UID (32 
bits), hence the size and rather unfortunate name. The hash algorithmn 
used to generate mailbox uniqueIDs is a bit basic, which is why I switched 
to generating them on the fly from master.

David Carter                             Email: David.Carter at
University Computing Service,            Phone: (01223) 334502
New Museums Site, Pembroke Street,       Fax:   (01223) 334679
Cambridge UK. CB2 3QH.

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