Slow lmtpd

Andre Nathan andre at
Thu Mar 1 08:38:30 EST 2007

On Wed, 2007-02-28 at 17:26 -0300, Andre Nathan wrote:
> The last field in the "delays" field shows that the time out occurred
> after 600s trying to send the message to cyrus. Even when a timeout does
> not occur, the time for the message to be sent is around 100-300s.

A more complete log (this is an older version of postfix that doesn't
log in the same format, but it can be seen where the delay is) is at

It can be shortened to this:

Mar  1 13:24:59 mta7 postfix/lmtp[18735]: >[]: .
Mar  1 13:30:07 mta7 postfix/lmtp[18735]: <[]: 250 2.1.5 Ok
Mar  1 13:30:07 mta7 postfix/lmtp[18735]: 4325B3800084:
to=< at>,[], delay=309, status=sent (250
2.1.5 Ok)

After postfix sends the ".", it takes lmtpd more than 5 minutes to send
the "250 2.1.5 Ok" back (everything else on the lmtp conversation
happens in the same second). Is this the time when lmtpd writes the
message to disk? I'm trying to find out if I/O is really the bottleneck


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