User Bulletin implementable with Cyrus

Rick Kunkel kunkel at
Thu Jul 26 21:11:21 EDT 2007

Hello all,

I'm interested in sending bulletins to all email user.  We're running
Cyrus for POP and IMAP, and Postfix for SMTP.  I'm not sure which of these
pieces of software would be responsible, but I figured I'd ask here to see
if this is do-able in Cyrus.

It might seem bonkers that I would assume that the POP or IMAP server
would do this, but I'm new to Cyrus (and Postfix), and we were previously
running Qualcomm's Qpopper for POP, and that *DID* have a user bulletin

Obviously, I could write a script that would do this, but I figured it'd 
be much more elegant and portable if I could do it with the software right 
out of the box.

I poked around FAQs and Google, but didn't see much.  Like I said, I 
figured I'd ask here though.

I'm fully capable of RTFM, so if you just want to point me in the right 
direction, that'd be OK too.


Rick Kunkel

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