vanished folders
Mirosław Jaworski
mjaw at
Wed Jan 3 10:37:32 EST 2007
On Wed, 2007-01-03 at 15:46 +0100, Matthias Henze wrote:
> > Folders are mailboxes too. Did you created them within kolab before
> > moving data?
> no
What does cyradm say:
lm user.<user>*
( pick a user with folders ).
Are users folders listed?
> > You need to create them in cyrus and give user access to them in
> > the same manner as you do with main user mailbox ( using cyradm's syntax:
> > cm, sam ).
> i've tried to change acl's with cyradm. with out success. acl's are set but
> folder stay invisible.
acl is about what user X is allowed to do with mailbox Y, subscription
is about
whether he wants to see it.
> but i do not understand this. i've createt a kolab account and used imapsync.
> i thought that is is nothing but moving the mail with a MUA. foders are
> created with imap commands and mails are moved. there shoud be no difference.
> when i create a folder with a MUA i can see it. imap sync is a MUA too, as it
> uses an imap connection and imap commands ...
imapsync couldn't do migration the way i wanted ( keeping uidl ),
i didn't used it and i am not familiar with it. It's possible it did
good job
creating folders/mailboxes though.
> > Additionally you must remember about subscriptions. User can have many
> > mailboxes, but he doesn't need/want to have an insight into all of them
> > all the time. Move subscriptions to the new system if the format is same
> > ( check /var/imap/user/ tree for user's .sub files ) or reconstruct
> > them.
> >
> > MUAs give users option to see all of user' folders and manipulate
> > subscriptions.
> i know, but i can't subscribe to them as they are not displayed ...
Yes, you can. Otherwise subscriptions wouldn't make any sense.
You should be able to see all your folders, subscribed or not ( maybe
you just need to change view filter in your MUA subscription manager ).
Anyway - migrating subscriptions is another thing sucessful migration
should take care of.
To avoid numerous complaints about missing folders it's safer to
subscribe user to all his folders than waiting for all the users
subscribing themselves back to the ones they want within next months :)
If you're in a middle of a big after migration f*ckup i suggest you to
pick flatfile format for your subscriptions
( subscription_db: flat option in imapd.conf )
and regenerate subscription files for all the users
user: test
subscription file: /var/imap/user/t/test.sub
subscription file content:
don't forget extra tab (\t) before the end of the each line.
That's one of the things you usually discover in the middle of the
night during migration :)
Mirosław "Psyborg" Jaworski
GCS/IT d- s+:+ a C++$ UBI++++$ P+++$ L- E--- W++(+++)$ N++ o+ K- w-- O-
M- V- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP t 5? X+ R++ !tv b++(+++) DI++ D+ G e* h++ r+++ y?
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