Re: Delivering mail to remote mailbox (cyrus imapd) [auf Viren überprüft]

Hans Moser hans.moser at
Thu Feb 1 12:39:08 EST 2007

Raul Dias schrieb:

> For some users I would like to deliver the mail to a remote cyrus imapd.
"For some users" means you cannot use a global configuration.
In postfix I would say you could define some kind of condition and if 
this is true use a lmtp transport to imapd box. [first clue]

> Forwarding to a MTA in the cyrus box is not an option, as it is really
> common to have to reprocess email in a baysian database.  If the message
> is forwarded to another mta, this can confuse the learning leading to
> false positives and negatives.

> I know that lmtp can listen to a tcp port which solves the cyrus side of
> the problem.  However I need to deliver the message to the lmtp server.
> If it was local I could use "deliver", but deliver does not work over
> tcp (am I wrong?).
IMHO yes, it cannot.

> So, what are my possibilities?  Should I write my own MDA for this?
I think you should ask at MTA side -> sendmail.


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