ptloader or the not so LDAPing easy

Chaskiel M Grundman cg2v at
Wed Aug 15 13:18:40 EDT 2007

--On Wednesday, August 15, 2007 12:34:39 PM +0200 Egil Möller 
<egil.moller at> wrote:

> Why does ptloader show the sambaSid of two of the groups superadmin is a
> member of, instead of the group name?

Disclaimer: I don't actually use the ldap code (nor am I a cyrus 

>From looking at the code, this problem seems to be caused by the lack of a 
ldap_member_attribute parameter in your imapd.conf. Without that attribute, 
the code uses the last attribute returned by the ldap server as the group's 

You should add
ldap_member_attribute: cn

to fix this problem. I don't know what could be causing the other problems

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