cyrus replication validation

Dmitriy Kirhlarov dkirhlarov at
Fri Apr 6 04:40:03 EDT 2007

On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 12:10:14PM -0400, Ilya Vishnyakov wrote:

> Hello Cyrus Gurus!
> I was wondering if there is any specific way to check if the
> replication was done properly? I set up cyrus replication between two
> servers (documentation I used:
> However,
> before switching our production servers we would like to make sure
> that replication was done properly. We checked if the directories are

On both servers:
find imap/ -type f | awk '!/(cache|index|header)/ {print}' | sort > server1.lst
find imap/ -type f | awk '!/(cache|index|header)/ {print}' | sort > server2.lst

diff -u server1.lst server2.lst


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