pop3 CLOSE_WAIT hang

tloudev k at mo.ubal.to
Tue Apr 3 04:38:43 EDT 2007

I have serious problem with my cyrus21 (debian sarge 2.1.18-1) - I have 
hundreds of connectin in CLOSE_WAIT state.
I can telnet to port 110 , but sometimes I can't even get the banner of 
the service.
I tried to increase maxchild (now -1 - unlimited), I tried babysit, 
increasing maxfds up to 2000 etc, but it still doesn't kick out the 
CLOSE_WAIT state connections. Any suggestion?
Thank you
     Ondrej Pachner


Check my PGP public key at http://poblijon.ubal.to/~tloudev/pgp.pub

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