shared mailboxes with virtual domain setup

Philippe Trolliet p.trolliet at
Mon Apr 2 08:21:06 EDT 2007

i´m using cyrus-imapd-2.2.12-6.fc4 on fedora core 4 with virtual domains.
virtual domain and user information is stored in a mysql database. the
authentication works with sasl configured with pam.
everything works fine. i can check mails over pop/imap and send mail. the
usernames are of the following format user at
i want to create shared mailboxes with user-specific access rights. in the
cyrus documentation i´ve seen that i have to use the command cyradm for it.
$ cyradm --user <admin-user> localhost

i created a mailbox with the command:
localhost> cm shared.department1

then i´ve set the access rights:
localhost> sam shared.department1 user at lrs

i get the error message:
setaclmailbox: <user at>: lrs: Invalid identifier

i created the domains and accounts with a cvs version of web-cyradm.
listmailbox produces the following output (changed usernames and domains):
user/user1 at (\HasNoChildren)
user/user1 at (\HasChildren)
user/user1/test at (\HasNoChildren)
user/user1 at (\HasNoChildren)

why doesn´t the above command work?
is it possible to define a shared mailbox for users that already have a
how can i setup an imap connection in outlook or thunderbird (the user could
already have an imap connection to his own mailbox)?
is it possible to define a shared folder for a user-account? how can other
users access this folder if they already have an imap connection?


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