example LDIF for senmdail/cyrus-imap?

Paul Pruett ppruett at webengr.com
Mon Oct 30 15:04:08 EST 2006

I apologize if this question is to newbie or was already answered,
but I have spent several days tryin and googling and was unable
to find concise answers.

I am in a situation were I am to setup Sendmail to use Cyrus-imap for pop3, 
imap and smtp-auth on and OpenBSD 4.0 server.

I think I need an example
LDIF that will create the hierarchical directory service structure useful for sendmail and cyrus-imap
and helpful an LDIF example to populate it with some email accounts?

... learning a new application like ldap from scratch is humbling really makes 
you fee newbie no matter how much you know....

Because I did not know ldap, I did get mysql to work with cyrus-imap but it 
does not work with salsauthd to do sendmail smtp-auth.  So the mature approach 
is to use Open-LDAP.  THUS my crash learn on OpenLDAP

LDAP is not SQL, and if I did not know SQL, I think I would have had a lot
less misunderstandings...

Finally I was able to setup a openldap server using database bdb and do a 
simple tutorial to create an address book using ldapadd and something new
to me, LDIF files.

I found a lot of examples using POSTFIX/Cyrus-imap, but I am missing a piece of 
my puzzle for how to use OpenLDAP for Sendmail, and i fear
the postfix examples for openlap may not be appropriate for sendmail.

BTW, by a suggesion in preparation for OpenBSD 4.0 I did edit /etc/mk.conf and 
recompiled sendmail for WANT_LDAP=yes

btw, I found a sendmail.schema in my src and copied and referenced in 
slapd.conf so I have the following schemas
  include         /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
  include         /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
  include         /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
  include         /etc/openldap/schema/misc.schema
  include         /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
  include         /etc/openldap/schema/sendmail.schema

btw, I know also I may need to edit /usr/local/lib/sasl2/Sendmail.conf
with something like
  pwcheck_method: saslauthd
  mech_list: plain cram-md5 digest-md5 login

btw, And I will have to have something like this in /etc/saslauthd.conf
  ldap_servers: ldap://ldap.xxx/
  ldap_bind_dn: cn=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=com
  ldap_bind_pw: xxxx
  ldap_search_base: ou=People,dc=somedomain,dc=com
  ldap_filter: (&(uid=%u)(accountStatus=active))
  ldap_password_attr: userPassword

btw, And I know I have to do a sendmail.mc to create sendmail.cf to support 
smtp-auth and use the ldap.

I saw some examples with postfix using accounts
in the base, saw other examples with People in the base

BUT I am still not sure how best to insert the
username, realm and password into the openldap
so that both sendmail and cyrus will access.

If someone has some notes or a web page with LDIF examples,
that would help greatly, I think.

- tia

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