Sieve DBERROR with avelsieve

Mike Husmann husmann at
Sun Oct 8 19:08:39 EDT 2006

On Sat, October 7, 2006 7:38 pm, Andreas Winkelmann wrote:
>> Oct  5 08:24:38 rusty sieve[18879]: DBERROR: error exiting application: Invalid
> This "invalid argument" Stuff appears most time, if there is a Version mismatch
with Berkeley DB.
> Do you have more than one Version installed?
> Are all DBs of the same version? tls_caching.db?

Only have one version of the db installed, which is 4.3.  The problem popped up when
the Squirrelmail plugin I'm using was upgraded, and so started using tls... 
Apparantly, this is part of the problem:

Which explains the ^H being displayed instead of the actual error message,

and other discussions about cyrus 2.2.12 and db 4.3 not being fully compatible.  I'm
using Trustix Secure Linux 3.0, and I'm asking why they chose to use 4.3 if this is
a known issue.

So for now, is it safe to assume it's ok to turn tls back on and live with the
errors?  I have no data corruption from this, as far as I can tell, and the sieve
filters compile and execute just fine..


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